What Everyone Get’s Wrong About Suicide

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From: http://www.msn.com/en-us/health/causes/what-everyone-gets-wrong-about-suicide/ar-AAGay48?ocid=ientp

Assumption: If a person is determined to end their life, there is nothing you can do

Why that’s wrong: Some people think that suicidal people can reach a stage where they’re “too far gone.” Not true. “Because suicide is such a drastic step and goes against our fundamental urge toward self-preservation, most suicidal people are not 100 percent sure of themselves,” says psychiatrist Adam Rosenblatt, MD, clinical director of the behavioral health unit at University of Maryland Harford Memorial Hospital. “Part of them wants to die and part of them believes there may be hope, or wants to go on living, or at least realizes the terrible consequences for their friends and family if they were to kill themselves. That is the part we are trying to reach.” Really, what they are looking for in suicide is a way out—a way to stop feeling such immense pain. It is never too late to extend your hand and help them find a safer solution using these 12 ways to help someone with depression.

Why that’s wrong: Suicide is a very sensitive subject, so it’s natural to be afraid that something you say may only make matters worse. In reality, the opposite is true. “They may actually be grateful to have an opportunity to confess this to a helpful person,” says Dr. Rosenblatt. “The best way to find out if someone is having suicidal thoughts is to ask…just come out and say something like, ‘I’ve been very worried about you. You seem so despondent. I don’t want anything to happen to you. I need to ask if you have been having any thoughts that life is not worth living, or even thoughts of hurting herself? I want to help you feel better.'” Someone who is suicidal is likely waiting and hoping for someone to reach out to them. See how one man successfully talked a stranger out of ending his life.

Assumption: A person who is talking about suicide just wants attention

Why that’s wrong: This is a dangerous assumption because it often leads to inappropriate actions, such as insulting or ridiculing a person who is genuinely suicidal. It also invalidates that person’s feelings, as if they don’t count. But if someone is showing signs of depression or even suicidal thoughts, then it’s because he or she needs attention and medical and emotional support. Jeff Nalin, PhD, clinical psychologist and founder and executive director at Paradigm Malibu Treatment Center, notes, “Ignoring the red flags is dangerous because most of the time, those who completed suicide had, in fact, mentioned their plans or feelings to someone beforehand.”

Assumption: Suicide is wrong because it is selfish

Why that’s wrong: “Selfishness” is one of the biggest misconceptions about suicide. Parents, especially, are considered selfish if they threaten to end their own lives because they’d be leaving their children behind. Here’s why that doesn’t ring true: “During this time, rational thought is elusive,” says Dr. Nalin. “Suicidal individuals genuinely believe that their loved ones will be better off without them. Reacting to expressions of suicide with an angry or dismissive attitude will only encourage people in need of help to keep their feelings to themselves.”

Assumption: Someone who is self-harming is suicidal

Why that’s wrong:Self-harm is, by definition, not a suicidal act, according to the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI). Self-harm is a type of coping mechanism people use to deal with extraordinary emotional pain because they don’t know what else to do. It is about creating the illusion of control, or a form of shame or self-punishment. I speak from firsthand experience, as self-harm is something I grappled with for almost a decade. This isn’t to say, though, that self-harm should not be taken seriously. Left alone, a person who practices self-harm could eventually become suicidal.

Assumption: If someone is suicidal, it will be obvious

Why that’s wrong: A relative told me once about a woman at her workplace who always appeared anxious and depressed. One day, this woman came into work and seemed much more even-keeled and relaxed than usual. Her demeanor had completely changed. “Maybe things are starting to get better,” my relative thought. Later that morning, the woman calmly and quietly opened the manager’s window and jumped out. The staff was shocked. She had seemed to be better. But the truth is, suicidal people can be skilled at hiding their true intentions. “While the signs aren’t always obvious,” Dr. Nalin says, “the facts show that eight out of 10 people who died by suicide had provided clues and warning signs.” Take a look at these 13 suicide warning signs you might miss.

Assumption: Only certain types of people die by suicide

Why that’s wrong: Suicide doesn’t only happen to people of a certain class, age range, gender, or race. “Suicide doesn’t discriminate,” Dr. Nalin says. “It affects any race, gender, and socioeconomic status, which is why it’s important for individuals to understand the far-reaching effects of suicide and realize that no one is immune.” Watch for the common words and phrases that suggest someone is depressed.

Assumption: If someone close to you ends his or her life, it could be your fault

Why that’s wrong: There are many complex factors that go into the decision to end one’s life. Maybe you did a lot to help your friend—maybe you could have done more. But the one thing that is certain is that there is no singular person who is solely responsible for someone else’s suicide. In the end, it is that person’s decision.

Assumption: Suicidal thoughts are the same as suicidal actions

Why that’s wrong: If someone is brave enough to voice suicidal thoughts, that is actually a good indicator that he or she wants to avoid suicide. Think about it: If a person really wanted to die, it’s much easier to just end it. “Most people who end their life do not truly want to die,” Dr. Nalin says. “A fine line exists between the expressed pain and the actual motivation to complete the act. But with the right support and options,” he adds, “suicidal people can see that they can access real solutions and coping mechanisms to help them heal and uncover a life worth living.” See how this crisis text hotline is preventing thousands of suicides.

Assumption: You can’t help someone who is suicidal if you’ve never felt that way yourself

Why that’s wrong: While it is true that it is harder to empathize with a person when you haven’t ever felt similar thoughts, it doesn’t mean that you are incapable of helping. You can’t say you know what it feels like, but you can say that you’re there to listen and to try. You can help give the suicidal person the courage to seek professional help. Speaking from personal experience, just having someone say “I’m here for you” is a huge relief. Next, read on for more myths about mental health that need to be set straight.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741.


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